Adventure Nannies Blog

Do’s + Don’ts For The Relocating Nanny Professional






Many fantastic nanny jobs offer a relocation plan, meaning that the hiring parents are willing to take on some of the financial burden of your moving to take the position. Here are some excellent tips to clarify the process for you, and prepare you as a potential relocating nanny to take on the new challenges with ease.


From the outset, relocating for a great job sounds like an exciting, challenging, and all-around thrilling adventure, and in so many ways that’s exactly what it is. The deeper truth, however, is definitely worth investigating: relocating for even the world’s BEST job will only work out well for you if you have a firm grasp on some very literal do’s and don’ts.








Consider The Fit

Though many exciting international jobs may sound enticing, the truth is that just because you *could* do a job does not mean that it’s the job for you. Prior to interviewing with a family that is based outside of your current residence, consider the day-to-day realities of living away from your current home, what the new location would be like for you on your days off, and whether or not you would love the reality of living in a new environment for a new nanny family.




Communicate Openly + Document Everything

When you are negotiating the terms with your new nanny family, it is essential that you utilize a contract that reflects the agreements you’ve reached when it comes to compensation, job expectations, start date, and relocation benefits. This is one of the key reasons that working with a reputable nanny agency can protect your interests throughout such a large transition. Be sure to have clear documentation of everything that is mutually agreed upon, and establish an appropriate mode of communication to continue planning the move.




Plan For The Unexpected At Every Turn

Moving can be overwhelming and frustrating even in ideal circumstances and when you’re relocating for a nanny job, you may find yourself juggling tons of external tasks like figuring out storage needs, move-out dates, and travel accommodations, all while coordinating with the hiring family. A strong attention to detail, self-confidence, and willingness to ‘go with the flow’ while also being self-motivated, makes this process much easier for the relocating nanny.




Establish A Timeline

One of the greatest things you can do to simplify the process of relocation is to develop a clear timeline for events. Work with the hiring family to establish a move date, then go through every aspect of your current list of responsibilities and create a date to give notice at work, give notice to your utility companies, transfer your healthcare coverage, contact your vehicle licensing department, begin moving large personal items into storage, etc. Creating this detailed calendar will help you stay on schedule with each of the necessary steps you’ll need to take to make the move successful.









Don’t Forget Reality

Don’t forget about the current responsibilities and relationships that would have to change to some degree if you were to relocate for a nanny job. As thrilling as a new job in a new location sounds, if you’re in a serious relationship, if you’ve got a personal pet, if you have committed to a long-term job elsewhere, if you’re not emotionally prepared for a large amount of transition, then rethink your decision. As you know, working as a nanny isn’t a laid-back and easy job, you will be experiencing challenges with your new role, and if you’re not ready to enjoy the adventure of exploring and learning a new environment because you’re missing home too much, it can be a difficult time.




Don’t Romanticize The Job Location

When you’re working in private service as a nanny, your priority is always the children and not the environmental distractions. You may be surrounded by all the markers of a luxurious lifestyle, but your job is to focus on how best to support the children, and not the surroundings. If you’re considering a job in a different country, remember that though you will undoubtedly have the time to do some exploring, the majority of your time will be spent caring for your nanny charges.





Don’t Make False Promises

If you are applying for a position that would require you to relocate, the expectation is that you are fully prepared to make a physical move in time for the desired start date. If you have any reason, personal, professional, or otherwise that could potentially create a hiccup in your ability to move, then you should not apply for that position.




Don’t Let Us Scare You

Despite the amount of hard work, professionalism, and determination it takes to have a wonderful relocation experience, we’ve seen tons of incredible nanny relocation placements that have been extraordinary and life-changing for the nanny. We’re laying down some intense tips here, but the truth is that if you are well-prepared, responsible, and flexible, you will likely have the adventure of a lifetime!






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