Adventure Nannies Blog

COVID-19 Leads Teachers To Become Private Educators: Here’s Why!





Teachers are some of the most selfless, dedicated individuals in the world. Putting the needs of their classroom ahead of so much else in their lives, educators have undergone many expensive years of higher education themselves and often graduate with plenty of student loan debt, and an unquenchable desire to change kids’ lives.


As the debates surrounding the return of school in the Fall, in the face of COVID-19, common core, administrative red tape, and staggeringly low salaries continue to rage on in teacher communities, many of the most exceptional educators are seeking alternative ways to impact kids. Working in private service allows traditionally trained teachers to implement incredible education best practices like those from Montessori, R.I.E., and Waldorf classrooms into their own curriculum. If you are an educator who is interested in learning more about how working in private service can help you thrive, you’re in the right place!





1. Avoiding Ineffective Work Conditions


According to one 2017 survey of nearly 5,000 teachers conducted by the AFT and BadassTeachers, nearly two-thirds feel their jobs are “always” or “often” stressful—roughly double the rates of stress experienced by the general workforce.

When talented and passionate educators are able to leave the classroom and establish a learning environment for their charges based on the specific needs of the kids, with no red tape or harsh budgetary restrictions, the children in their care receive the most advanced, challenging, and engaging learning opportunities.





2. Gaining Support + Respect


Many teachers feel the negative effects of what they perceive as a lack of support and ultimately, respect. A recent report from Penn State University and the non-profit Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, claims among professional occupations, teachers rate lowest in feeling that their opinions count at work. In addition, many teachers report feeling micro-managed by administrators and parents. As a private educator, your perspective is not only respected, it is revered as the resident educational expert. Parents will always be interested in the curriculum, grading process, and specifics of how you run your worldwide classroom, but the details and specifics are typically up to you to develop, with the support and encouragement of the parents. Many of the families that employ private educators for their children are world citizens traveling regularly, who harbor a deep sense of respect and interest in varying customs and cultural experiences. These families typically seek private educators who they can trust to utilize the consistently changing environment as a classroom, finding ways to teach the kids lifelong meaningful lessons in relation to the world as they are experiencing it firsthand.





3. Reframing Standardized Testing


The demands teachers are feeling as a result of high-stakes standardized testing and the emphasis on data collection is definitely a hot-button issue among teachers who are leaving. According to an NEA survey of classroom teachers, 72 percent replied that they felt “moderate” or “extreme” pressure to increase test scores from both school and district administrators. Many teachers in the public school arena have voiced a major concern that they’re being forced to “teach to the test”, in other words, they are expected to teach their classrooms to pass standardized tests, with no real interest in actually empowering kids with knowledge. As a private educator you’ll see that parents are looking for teachers who will prepare their children for becoming savvy, responsible, and compassionate members of society – standardized tests are much less interesting than the creative lesson plan you developed to accompany their upcoming hike to ancient ruins.





4. Working In The Best Interest Of The Students


The current state of public education is shifting in the face of COVID-19, and remote learning is likely going to continue to play a large role in education. Public education can also be so exclusionary for children with different abilities and strengths in the classroom. Many teachers feel that administrators force a focus on traditionally high-performing students as opposed to investing in each kid in whatever way will be most beneficial for the child. Ultimately schools receive more funding and administrators receive higher salaries when they produce students that test in higher percentiles, but for many teachers, common core test results are not the main motivation for their career. When you work as a private educator you can make choices that benefit the specific children in your care. You can speed up or slow down your lesson plans, you can pivot on a dime to support, challenge, and engage your students, with no worry about administrative oversight.





5. More Freedom, More Impact, More Compensation


Working as a private educator allows you to have freedom in teaching. You can develop your curriculum, establish classroom goals, and set your students up for informative and exciting learning opportunities with the full support of their parents. You can invest your one-on-one time with each student in your care and have a more meaningful impact on that child while supporting them as they develop into young adults. As a result of the high level of importance that parents place on the private educators that they hire, you will find that your salary as a private educator is significantly larger than that of a public or private school teacher. You will likely be traveling extensively with the family so your food, lodging, and travel expenses will also be taken care of as a part of your compensation package. All in all, working as a private educator may be the logical next step for your teaching career and we’d love to help you navigate the transition.






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