Adventure Nannies Blog

What To Do Instead Of Trick-Or-Treating This Halloween

October 9, 2020
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COVID-19 has impacted so many aspects of daily life, and as we get closer to the Autumn season we're faced with the upcoming Halloween celebrations.

This year, trick-or-treating door to door may not seem like the wisest decision in the face of a global pandemic, so we wanted to share some alternatives. Perhaps now, more than ever, your nanny kids could really use some extra cool activities to lighten the mood and add some unexpected fun. So, let's kick off with the first alternative to trick-or-treating!

Candy Hunt + Outdoor Movie Screening

Hide some Halloween candy throughout the yard and hold a themed scavenger hunt that concludes with an outdoor movie screening (your average projector will do the trick!).

Costume Creation + Contest

Gather an assortment of materials to use for a costume (think fabric scraps, felt, ribbons, glue, etc.) and help your nanny kids make their own costumes. Then, hold a fun family costume contest with a prize that will entice each of the participants.

Pumpkin Carving Contest

Gather age-appropriate pumpkin carving supplies and help your nanny kids carve their own designs. Once completed, have the parents select a winning design, with fun prizes awarded for each placing (1st place, 2nd place, etc. to make sure each sibling is rewarded).

Although Halloween looks different in the face of COVID-19, it does not have to completely disappear. As childcare providers, our goal is to create beautiful, educational, lifelong memories and experiences that shape the lives of our nanny kids, and this is a wonderful opportunity to use our creativity to do just that.We’d love to hear about the creative and safe ways that you’ve celebrated Halloween, or other holidays, in the midst of COVID-19 – reach out to us on Facebook, Instagram, and check out the other posts on the blog!If you are looking for an exceptionally skilled nanny or private educator for your child, we’d love to hear from you!If you feel that you have what it takes to become an Adventure Nanny or private educator, reach out to us.

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