Adventure Nannies Blog

Summit Session #9: Transitions In Infancy

October 8, 2019
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We are thrilled to announce Summit Session #9 which will take place in our private Facebook group on October 19th at 9am (PST)/12pm (EST). For this month's live stream we’re delighted to speak with the creative and talented Stefanie Hudgins, a CACHE Certified Master Newborn Care Specialist.

Stefanie Hudgins is a CACHE Certified Master Newborn Care Specialist, INA Credentialed Nanny and Newborn Care Specialist, Certified Lactation Consultant and holds an endorsement in Infant Mental Health as an Infant Family Associate.The mother of two boys, she has worked extensively in the childcare field for over 35 years. Stefanie has a background in Montessori education as well as training and education in RIE, respectful parenting methods and is currently completing her Master's degree in Infant Mental Health.Stefanie also volunteers as a Speaking Ambassador for 2020 Moms, educating others about perinatal mood disorders, as a warm line counselor with Postpartum Support International and as an accredited lactation counselor with Breastfeeding USA. Currently based in Los Angeles, California, Stefanie works as a Newborn Care Specialist throughout the United States.

Learn How To:

In this session, we will be discussing the transitions that take place from birth to 18 months, including changes in sleep, social-emotional changes, emerging personality, and moving from exclusively bottles to just solids, along with some discussion of milestones and ways to support infant and family throughout these transitions as a newborn care specialist.

Check These Resources:

-Hire a business mentor with a proven record of helping NCS launch their business, Newborn Care Solutions Elite NCS program for top-notch training and a community of peers.-Legal Zoom for registering your NCS business.To learn more about our presenter, please take a look at her website!

To learn more about Summit Sessions, join our private Facebook group here for free monthly educational workshops that happen live so you can ask tons of questions, but are also available for you to view 24/7 as well. Click the button below to participate!

Have you ever considered or participated in continuing education? We’d love to hear your experiences – reach out to us on Facebook, Instagram, and check out the other posts on the blog!Are you looking for an exceptional nanny or private educator? Get in touch!Do you have what it takes to be an Adventure Nanny? Apply Now!

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