Adventure Nannies Blog

Summit Session #7: Summertime STEAM With Figment Creative Labs Wrap-Up

August 18, 2019
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For this month’s live stream we were honored to speak with Amber Scardino, founder of Figment Creative Labs, and co-author of STEAM Kids.Amber Scardino’s dream was to create a space for people to explore and build confidence in their own creativity. What started in her garage with her two boys grew into classes and camps, and last year into a brick-and-mortar operation called Figment Creative Labs, with a process art studio, a maker space and a discovery lab that focuses on S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math).

In this Summit Session, Amber spoke with us about S.T.E.A.M. activities and process play, and how to set up your nanny kids with educational activities that are age-appropriate. We learned about where to research amazing learning opportunities, and how to organize your lessons in a way that are engaging and fun, while also imparting valuable technical lessons to the kids.


For additional information about Amber's work and additional S.T.E.A.M. resources, check out these excellent recommendations.Babble Dabble Do Instagram inspirationSTEAM Kids BookSTEAM Kids In The Kitchen BookLeft Brain Craft Brain Instagram inspirationTo learn more about our presenter, please take a look at her website!We absolutely recommend Amber's Facebook page as well, from the cool experiments to the amazing photos of their maker space, it's an exceptional resource for finding inspiration.For more information about this and other fantastic training sessions, check out our free online educational group for progressive childcare providers, Summit Sessions.

To learn more about Summit Sessions, join our private Facebook group here for free monthly educational workshops that happen live so you can ask tons of questions, but are also available for you to view 24/7 as well. Click the button below to participate!

Did you enjoy this session? What will you do or say differently in your role as a result? We’d love to hear about your personal takeaways, along with any feedback on who or what you'd like to learn about in future Summit Sessions!Contact us on Facebook, Instagram, and check out the other posts on the blog!Are you looking for an exceptional nanny or private educator? Get in touch!Do you have what it takes to be an Adventure Nanny? Apply Now!

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