Adventure Nannies Blog

Summit Session #20 - From Burnt Out To Boundaried With Sarah Stewart Wrap-Up

December 14, 2021
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Summit Sessions is an ongoing educational series for nannies, educators, newborn care specialists, and other private service professionals who gather monthly for inspiring and cutting-edge experts and leaders in their fields, who will offer their expertise in the form of live, interactive sessions for attendees to take in, ask questions of, and learn from.


Sarah Carlisle Stewart has utilized her B.A. in Psychology for years dedicated to supporting families through behavioral therapy, parent coaching, respite, nannying and so much more. She is a child caregiver gone coach empowering caregivers to rediscover themselves amidst burnout, set boundaries to support them, and make an impact aligned with their integrity, authenticity, and self-worth.Learn more about Sarah at The Modern Nanny!


In this session, Sarah Carlisle Stewart -- a highly esteemed Burnout and Boundary Coach with years of experience navigating the world of professional childcare -- shared her insights into avoiding burnout and establishing effective boundaries. Codependent dynamics and a lack of clear, authentically rooted boundaries can fuel burnout for nannies and parents alike. By prioritizing self-care, clarifying our boundaries and expectations, and responding from our integrity instead of people-pleasing habits, we can change the burnout paradigm.


In this session we talked about:

  • The root of self-care is setting boundaries!
  • Boundaries are not about saying no to others, but about saying yes to you and your well-being.
  • When we step outside of our authenticity, operating from that codependent, need to please place, we’re actually doing a TREMENDOUS disservice to our families.


To learn more about our presenter and the extraordinary continuing education and one-on-one coaching opportunities mentioned in this session, please check out The Modern Nanny!

To learn more about Summit Sessions, join our private Facebook group here for free monthly educational workshops that happen live so you can ask tons of questions, but are also available for you to view 24/7 as well. Click the button below to participate!

Did you enjoy this session? What will you do or say differently in your role as a result? We’d love to hear about your personal takeaways, along with any feedback on who or what you’d like to learn about in future Summit Sessions!Contact us on Facebook, Instagram, and check out the other posts on the blog!Are you looking for an exceptional nanny, newborn care specialist, or private educator? Get in touch!Do you have what it takes to be an Adventure Nanny? Apply Now!

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