Adventure Nannies Blog

COVID-19 And Kids: News From The AAP

October 9, 2020
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Our understanding of COVID-19 and its impact on our community is always expanding, and we wanted to share this new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Keep reading for more news from the experts!

You may have heard of a recent rise in reported COVID-19 cases in children. This confirms that children are not immune to the virus. Fortunately, they tend to have milder symptoms, are less likely to become severely ill, and rarely need to be hospitalized with the illness. It remains unclear whether children infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, are more or less likely to spread it to others.

Why are cases of COVID-19 increasing in children?

We are likely seeing more cases of COVID-19 among children because the virus has been spreading more in some communities. It may also be in part because COVID-19 testing has become more widely available. Early in the pandemic, testing was available only for people who were the sickest. Now that there is more testing, we can test anyone with symptoms, including children.

What does this mean for going back to school?

Returning to school in person needs careful steps in place to keep students and staff safe. That may mean schools cannot safely reopen in areas where the spread of the virus is spiking or elevated. Children learn best in school. This is why it's so important for all of us to work together to control the spread of the virus so that it is safe for children and teachers to return to the classroom.


While scientists and researchers continue to study this virus and how it spreads, we must keep up with what we know helps prevent the virus from spreading: wearing cloth face coverings, physical distancing, and proper hand-washing.If your child has been exposed to CO​VID-19, or you are concerned about your child's health, call your pediatrician. Pediatrician's offices are open and taking extra steps to make sure you and your children are safe when you come in and many are offering video visits to answer any questions you may have.

Report courtesy of the American Academy of Pediatrics

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