Adventure Nannies Blog

3 Career-Changing Reasons To Attend International Nanny Training Day

February 16, 2020
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We are thrilled to announce International Nanny Training Day online, sponsored by Nannypalooza, which will take place in our private Facebook group on April 19th at 9am (PST)/12pm (EST). For this year's live stream we’re delighted to speak with an incredible lineup of talented industry leaders from HomeWork Solutions, to Newborn Care Solutions and beyond! Keep reading to learn how you can participate in this exciting educational opportunity...

Adventure Nannies has partnered with various groups across the country in past International Nanny Training Days, and have been hard at work to design an online, interactive day for nannies across the world to be able to participate in INNTD from wherever they are!

There are many incredible in-person training events being held and we encourage you to check out the one in your area if you're able to attend. You can find out more about the events in your area by clicking here!

You may have heard about INNTD and wondered if this weekend training day is really worth your time. As an agency that places outstanding candidates in exceptional roles all over the U.S., we can confidently say that investing in your continuing education is absolutely worth it. In fact, we would assert that constantly seeking knowledge is actually necessary to succeed in this industry. So to encourage you to register for an event in your area, or for our exclusive online training, here are some of the main reasons why you should plan to hit the books and have a blast with us on April 19th!

1. Childcare Best Practices Evolve

As with every professional venture, when we work together as a community to communicate and develop new technology, a deeper understanding of human development, and respond to environmental changes, we uncover more precise standards of practice for each aspect of the industry. To maintain a competitive edge on the competition, and to be consistently prepared to manage any situation that arises at work, continuing to study and stay up-to-date on all current industry standards is vital.

2. Develop Relationships With The Community

The childcare community is comprised of so many individuals from a diverse swath of society, but there are generally some amazing similarities. Professional childcare providers are compassionate, intelligent, creative, and essentially the sort of people you want to hang out with! Reaching out to others in your field is a wonderful way to build your support system and establish a professional network. Nannies support and challenge one another in a way that no one else can, who else can relate to the sort of things that nannies deal with day in and day out?

3. Potential Employers Will Be Impressed

When you go out of your way to invest your free time away from work in deepening your skill set, hiring entities take notice. It shows that you are self-motivated, passionate about childcare, committed to being the best, and willing to work hard to get there. When you attend conferences like INA or training days like INNTD you can add these additions to your education on your resume. Agencies and hiring parents notice this and are absolutely more likely to choose a highly-skilled candidate with a proven commitment to excellence.

Our upcoming online event was created to provide an opportunity for any and all nannies (you don’t have to be an Adventure Nanny!) that are unable to attend in-person events to participate in an accessible, interactive, online International Nanny Training Day community. Please join Adventure Nannies, and our global nanny community in International Nanny Training Day and continue developing your childcare skills and knowledge while collaborating with a group of like-minded and passionate professionals. So if you're suddenly a little more interested in participating in this year's International Nanny Training Day, check out our event page for more info and register today!

During our online event, you can expect to learn from:

– Tonya Sakowicz from Newborn Care Solutions– Christina Vlinder from Respectful Caregiving– Rachel Lawrence from HomeWork Solutions– Shenandoah Davis and Brandy Schultz recording a live episode of Adventure Nannies On Air!– Emily Chisolm Candidate Director at Adventure Nannies– Ashley Wainwright, travel nanny extraordinaire– Betsy Beetham Hicks speaking about self-care

. . . and more!

This is an excellent opportunity for nannies to engage with other dedicated professionals in the childcare industry and will be a significantly meaningful investment in development. If you and your family would like to sponsor your nanny’s attendance you can reach out to us here or through the registration link and we’ll happily coordinate the details!

For more information about International Nanny Training Day + Nannypalooza, check out their website!

Have you ever considered or participated in continuing education? We’d love to hear your experiences – reach out to us on Facebook, Instagram, and check out the other posts on the blog!Are you looking for an exceptional nanny or private educator? Get in touch!Do you have what it takes to be an Adventure Nanny? Apply Now!

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